AyurVastu for Business World
Entrepeneurship, Innovation, and the ‘million dollar idea’:
Some people have huge success with just one idea which is priceless. How did Steve Jobs get an idea that changed the world? Often we are the greatest barrier to ourselves. And often the barriers we create and experience are caused by our internal conditions, and the external environment’s impact on that. Arrangement of elements and aspects in one’s life certainly play a part. For example, if something is making you distressed or affecting your body’s ability to function, or you are having relationship issues, or always feeling too tired and stressed to think… then it may be extremely difficult for brilliance to come to you. We need the energy, and we need to eliminate barriers to success. Past experiences and personal composition certainly play a part, but in moments like these it can feel like we are flowing in fluid synchronicity with the world, gelling with it as if all is aligned and well.
Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook. From where does such an idea come from? A question worth asking. What is keeping us back in life that means it is someone else, and not us, achieving goals or dreams? Often we are the key issue. A mind which is stressed and distracted can not easily go through the creative process, or apply the focus to visualise and implement such great ideas. We blame external factors, or other people, or time, but these are all fluid and changeable if we take proper action.
AyurVastu explains that such million dollar ideas comes from a blissful state of mind. It means that the mind has everything it needs to operate on a wave-length/frequency, which creates ideas which are priceless. We can reach that wave-length very easily by balancing the relevant zones, and by reorganising and reprogramming our space.
Business Growth
“Business growth does not just happen by chance, but is the result of forces working together”. Ayurvastu helps to put various forces in action, and to assemble these forces together in order to overcome various challenges successfully. This simply happens by understanding the underlying nature of energy and matter within our environment which comprise the entities and concepts we understand as sentient human beings. By understanding the nature of energy flow and interaction, we can make changes accordingly to increase the probability of the desired outcome. This can help with problems like:

- getting less opportunities for new business,
- opportunities are coming in bulk, but clients are not being converted,
- employees are not productive,
- there is a lack of harmony and synergy amongst employees,
- machinery and assets are becoming faulty,
- clients are not being attracted towards a product/service,
- company is not reputable or well-known
- brand is not taking flight
- no financial support from banks or associates